News and random musings from the Sculptdude.
Monday, December 05, 2011
Holiday Sophie 2011
It was a thrill to be able to paint the cover art for Game Trade Magazine's December issue based on Tim "Talin" Collier's design. I worked from a scan of Tim's pencil art and painted the image digitally in Photoshop. It was pretty cool to get to dust off the ol' Wacom tablet and do a bit of scribbling again. Hopefully it did his pencil work justice.
I also wanted to commend Martin Jones on doing a super bang-up job with painting the final ornament. It is also a thrill to see my sculpt work painted by others and his piece turned out exceptional. See if you can spot all the cool names on the list!
Happy Holidays everyone!
- Patrick (The Sculptdude)
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Monday, November 07, 2011
Impact! - Galak Halfling Chef
Saturday, October 01, 2011
Pathfinder - Cleric of Urgathoa
The pose for this figure made for a very challenging sculpt due to the negative space in the original art. It was also pretty tricky to get the scythe handle to line up properly and still be thick enough to allow for molding and casting.
Here are a couple of other views.
Lamia - Center Stage Miniatures
Vicky and I also painted their studio model which is featured in their online store.
Pathfinder's Merisiel, Iconic Elf Rogue
Both of the pieces were shown during GenCon at the Reaper booth. I have since cut the dragon apart and am in the process of keying the pieces for moldmaking. Reaper will also be releasing a generic resin treasure hoard base that would make a suitable display to recreate a diorama of the fantastic box art by Wayne Reynolds.
New Pieces for IMPACT!
The first up is a Valkyrie-esque figure similar to what you may expect to see in a certain dream sequence of a movie involving a bowling dude.
She has two sets of arms to make the figure a little more cusomizable.
The other piece is a hobgoblin cheerleader set to bolster your greenskin team to victory. Or at least to make a lot of racket as they get their heads ripped off. Either way, they should be available soon from the online store at the link above.
- back to the workbench . . .
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Pathfinder - Ameiko Kaijitsu

She appears in and on the cover of The Brinewall Legacy, a Pathfinder RPG adventure for 1st-level characters, by James Jacobs. This volume of Pathfinder Adventure Path launches the Jade Regent Adventure Path.
Although she appears on the cover, the art was flipped during the layout process. The art I received by Wayne Reynolds for the character design was facing the opposite direction. Such is the publishing biz.
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Pathfinder - King Castruccio Irovetti

"King Irovetti, ruler of Pitax and potential rival to the leaders of the eastern Stolen Lands, opens his gates and hospitality to the lords of that realm. Within his city of shallow indulgences and crude decadence, he hosts a tournament ostensibly meant to foster friendship and peace, but fraught with dangers all its own."I recently completed this sculpt along with several other new Pathfinder characters, some of whom will be displayed at GenCon next weekend at the Reaper booth. If you are at the show, drop by and take a look.
Pathfinder Adventure Path #35: War of the River Kings (Kingmaker 5 of 6)
Wednesday, July 06, 2011
A Band of Orcs

The band is here! Now available individually or as a set from Impact! Miniatures.
The sculpts are based on fantastic designs by Chuck Lukacs for the awesome characters from A Band of Orcs musical group. These pieces were a real treat to work on and very different from some of my other stuff. Great care was taken to capture the art and character in the likenesses and hopefully is a fitting tribute to the band and the artist.
Friday, June 24, 2011
Art Deco Bot

The original design required an actress fit inside the costume. Here I was able to for the shape more lean and light. The lines on this figure are also much crisper than the original one I sculpted out of "greenstuff". This one is all ProCreate over a wire armature and she is aproxamately 30mm tall.
Sculpting models like this with ProCreate works better for me because this particular material has less "memory" or elasticity than the green Kneadatite putty used by many of the other figure sculptors. There is still quite a bit of flexibility to the gray stuff once it is cured but the working properties are very similar to the feel of Kneadatite's brown putty. Gray stuff can be drilled, filed, scraped and sanded once it cures but it is not brittle and prone to crumbling or breaking like brown Kneadatite. I find it extremely versatile.
Friday, June 03, 2011
Messalina IV- Empress of Paint
Congratulations are in order to painter Meg Maples! She won the Gold Medal in Reaper's Painter Category for Messalina IV Andromedan Empress. Meg has also gone on to Seattle to be a staff painter at Privateer Press and will be painting all sorts of cool Warjacks and Warbeasts soon.
I commissioned her to paint this piece for me before it was sculpted and I'm very happy with the results. It is now on display in my private collection with my other award-winning sculpts and painted figures.
Thanks Meg!
Friday, May 06, 2011
Wyrd Resin Bases - Morgue Set

This set of releases also marks a bit of a change for us for these particular basing inserts as we've moved these bases over to resin, the full base and insert together so its ready right out of the package without glue and having to purchase additional round black bases. Let us know what you think!The new bases will be available in their online store starting next month.

Sunday, May 01, 2011
Reaper Con - May 19-22, 2011

If you are planning to attend one of those two days and would like a guided tour of how to get started making your own sculpts from a length of wire and a lump of putty, come by and sign up!
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Sister Maria

Angela asked me during last Reaper Artist Con if I would sculpt a little pair of Wayfarer sunglasses in order to make a nod to the Blues Brothers. How could I refuse?
So, if you're feeling in the Easter spirit and you have fond memories of getting smacked by rulers as a child (like I do) grab a copy of Sister Maria and paint her up for the holiday!
Monday, April 04, 2011
A Band of Orcs

According to SMN News "World of Warcraft addicts A BAND OF ORCS play pummeling death metal. And yes, they are dressed as Orcs, most definitely influenced by Fantasy role-playing games.
Music-wise, A BAND OF ORCS is somewhere in between MORBID ANGEL and SLAYER, with some Tuetonic thrash thrown in for good measure. Some might think the concept is a little nerdy, but one thing’s for certain, they are not just a GWAR knockoff. Their gimmick and costumes might overshadow their talent at first, but deep down, A BAND OF ORCS play brutal, chugging death metal with technical chops. On their 7-track debut EP, WarChiefs of the Apocalypse, these Orcs from Santa Cruz can play."
The band commissioned renowned fantasy artist Chuck Lukacs who has provided work for Wizards of the Coast, Paizo Publishing and the fantastic art book Fantasy Genesis, to design the characters of themselves as the Orcs. Chuck's work is superb and I am both thrilled and privileged to be invited to contribute to this exceptional project. The figures should be available through Impact! Miniatures when completed. I'll keep you posted here with more on the project as soon as I am able.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Messalina IV - Andromedan Empress

When I brought the concepts to Reaper prior to their Chronoscope line I had a range of aliens as yet unnamed. Once I returned to sculpting in 2009 I approached Ron with the possibility of producing a few of my alien characters for their new line. He was amiable to the idea and provided the moniker of Andromidans to my alien species.

So at ReaperCon 2010 I asked Tim "Talin" Collier if he would be kind enough to design the Andromedan Empress for me. This design was later translated into the sculpt for the 2010 GenCon Painting Competition - Sculpted Greens category in which it won the fourth place ribbon.
Now it is available exclusively through Reaper Miniatures and offered in their online store and other fine retail establishments. I will try to add photos of her once she's painted. Currently Meg Maples is working on the studio model.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Death Star Battle Event Blog

Brett Amundson is helping with rules, playtesting, table layout and model fabrication & painting. I am working on creating & painting models as well as setting up the Death star surface for the gaming table.
The initial goal of running the Death Star Run scenario is to faithfully recreate the Battle of Yavin at the end of Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope but also allow the players versatile control over their forces to achieve a victory with either side. Check out all our progress at the event blog.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Greebo - Silvania Elf Team